We believe that God is unconditional and unlimited Love.
We believe that God’s grace comes first and that it is bigger than any wrongdoing we might commit.
We believe that God excludes no one; all are beloved children of God. No exceptions.
We believe that Jesus, the Christ, dwelled among us, living alongside us and showing us how to live and how to love one another. While we might have different understandings of exactly how Jesus is Savior and Lord, we agree he came to save us and to give us new life.
We believe that, in Christ, we can work toward the realization of God’s reign on earth. Our primary goal is to love one another. We invite our neighbors to experience God’s radical love. We define love as seeking the spiritual, physical, emotional, and intellectual wellbeing through actively working to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, free the oppressed, and seek justice for all.
We believe that, in Christ, we are family. We care for each other even when we are not particularly lovable. We’re there for each other when we grieve and when we celebrate.
We believe that God’s Spirit is present in and among us, bringing grace and truth. We work to be attentive to that Spirit so that we may grow ever closer to God and do our part to bring about God’s Garden of Love. God’s Garden represents God’s intention for all of creation to flourish.
While we are firmly planted in Christianity through the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, we understand that God is bigger than our particular traditions. We seek ecumenical relationship with our brothers and sisters in Christ, regardless of denominational connection, and we seek ecumenical relationship with our brothers and sisters of other faith traditions.
We believe that God wants us to respect and love one another in our great diversity and so we seek unity with God’s children everywhere.