Youth Ministry
What is FCC Youth Ministry?
First Christian Church Youth Ministry is for 6th through 12th grade. Our goal is to support and encourage youth in their spiritual journey of following Jesus. There will be plenty of fun and games at youth gatherings, along with service and mission as we seek to live like Jesus.
FCC Youth Group meets on Sunday: 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
What We Value
Inclusion All kids are children of God.
Service To our community. To our world.
Love God. Others. Ourselves.
Family We honor all expressions of family.
Wonder Play. Laugh. Explore.
Safety Background checks. Child Protection Policy. Volunteer Training.
Youth Activities
Crossroads Youth Group
Youth Group is for youth in 6th - 12th grades. They meet weekly on Sunday afternoons from September to May. During youth groups they gather for games and fun, outreach opportunities and fellowship.
Youth Group: Sundays| 4:30 - 6:00 PM |
Youth Bells – Sunday afternoons
Youth Bells is a musical ensemble open to all 6th -12th graders. Youth have rehearsal on Sunday afternoons prior to youth group meetings. This group shares their music in the worship service throughout the year. No prior music knowledge is required.
Rehearsal: Sundays| 3:45 - 4:30 PM |
Connections to the Larger Church - Christian Church (DOC)
Youth participate in the life of our denomination, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), through leadership on the regional youth cabinet, regional youth retreats and conferences and Church Camp experiences.
Missions – Local and beyond
Our youth are involved in service activities within and outside the church. In the local Topeka community they serve at Doorstep, Topeka Rescue Mission, and other local community projects. Youth, 8-12 grade, participate in an annual summer mission trip. Former mission trips have included: Monterey Bay, CA, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Washington D.C. and Denver.
Got Questions?
If you have further questions concerning our FCC Youth Ministry experience or visiting First Christian Church with youth, simply click the "Contact Us" button below and get in touch with Rev. Donna Schultz: Associate Minister of Children and Youth.