Music & Arts
Music is powerful. It moves people to new places, brings communities together as one voice, and communicates where spoken and written word falls short. The Music Ministry at FCC exists to enrich worship services in these ways. All that we do is to glorify God and fulfill the Church’s mission of inviting our neighbors to experience God’s radical love.
Opportunities for All Ages:
Adult Handbells
Adult Handbells assist in leading music during Sunday morning services 1-2 times a month from September-May. The handbells play a prelude and join in on congregational hymns. The group consists of 8-11 members over the age of 18. Reading Music is not a requirement of the group, but it certainly helps.
Rehearsal: Sundays at 11:00 am (September - May)
There is always a place for creative methods of artistic expression in the Music Ministry at FCC. That being said, whether it is a flute solo, organ and piano duet, brass quartet, or bluegrass ensemble, we love to incorporate instrumentalists in our worship services.
Youth Bells
Youth Bells is a handbell ensemble open to all 6th-12th graders. They provide music and assist in leading worship services once a month throughout the school year. Reading music is not a requirement, although it helps.
Rehearsal: Sundays at 3:45 to 4:30 pm (September - May)
Children's Chimes and bells
Chimes and bells for children are a part of our Wednesday evening Shine program. Children will play chimes and small bells. No prior musical experience needed.
Meeting time: Wednesdays at 6:00 to 7:15 pm (October - April)
SHINE Kid's Choir
SHINE is open to all 3 year olds-5th graders who love singing or are just great at being loud! We meet throughout the school year to harness that energy into two major musical programs. October through December, the group prepares for a Children’s Christmas program. February through April, they meet to practice for a Spring Musical. SHINE meets in the kids area below the sanctuary.
Meeting time: Wednesday at 6:00 to 7:15 pm (October - April)
Interested in participating?